35 Annotated Bibliography Assignment: Information Resources

Annotated Bibliography Guidelines: Information Resources

Assignment at a glance:

  • Choose a minimum of four sources relevant to your field of study or inquiry question that you found through determining your information needs from the previous chapter. Most likely these will be peer-reviewed articles and books, but it will depend on the information you need to fully understand your area of focus.
  • Assess sources based on CRAAP validity checklist with goal to inform an audience with similar interests.
  • Provide annotations of two paragraphs in length for each entry.
  • Cite using APA, MLA, or Chicago-style depending on your major.

Content for the Annotation:

This final section of your annotated bibliography will focus on other types of resources you think would be important in exploring trends in your field of study. Since this is potentially a very broad topic, you should use your critical inquiry question to help narrow your search. Typically, this section would focus on relevant sources found through a library database search (library.granite.edu), however, you may decide that more relevant sources would be found elsewhere (like a trade journal or website).

Any assignment submitted later than three days after the due date will receive a zero for the assignment.

Each annotation will be in two parts.

Part I: provide the following information:

  1. what type of resource it is (e.g., peer-reviewed journal, trade journal, website),
  2. the type of content it includes (e.g., scholarship, evidence-based practice, research, industry commentary),
  3. who contributes to it (e.g., researchers, practitioners, industry leaders),
  4. who it is intended for (e.g., scholars, researchers, practitioners),
  5. how the content is used.

Part II: evaluate the resource’s credibility and assess its relevance and usefulness for someone at your stage of academic and professional development. Would you recommend it? Why or why not?  Be thorough in your evaluation of the source.  Remember you are examining trends in the field- essentially figuring out what people are talking about. Therefore, these information resources might not be the same ones you would use for a traditional academic research paper, however you should thoroughly evaluate each source’s validity and credibility.

Format for Bibliographic Entries:

For articles and websites, use the standard bibliographic format for your field of study. For entire journals, magazines, or books, list as much identifying information as you can.

Example: Article from Industry Periodical in APA Format

Neville, D. S. (2018). IRS Reconsiders Scope of Determination Letter Program. 401 (k) Advisor, 25(8), 1-3.

Example: Industry Periodical

401 (k) Advisor, published by Aspen Publishers, Incorporated, ISSN 1080-2142

(ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number. It is a unique identifier for magazines, journals, and other types of periodical publications.)

Examples of Annotated Bibliography Entries

You can find examples of annotations that summarize and annotations that evaluate in the Purdue OWL.


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