Building Community
Pamela Anneser
Spring 2022
Observing my teaching over the last couple of years, pandemic years, I have noticed that I have established several changes to my methods. These are positive additions that would not have been possible if I had not participated in the CPLC for two seasons.
I learned better methods of communication through CPLP. These techniques were taught through group exercises and discussions that could be easily translated to my classrooms. Using tools like Padlet have positively affected discussions, giving students a less stressful way to participate. I have seen a broader sharing of opinions and comments which often grew into verbal discussions. Learning how to make full use of the tools in zoom at CPLP and thanks to Martha, has also made this technology less cumbersome and a more productive teaching instrument.
Collaborative teaching is another area I have learned a lot through the CPLP. First, the open dialogue and shared experiences during the sessions was invaluable. It gave me a place to ask questions, be listened to, and receive encouragement. After my first season I co-taught a TWP section with an instructor who previously taught TWP. This was a great way to learn the nuances of teaching this course, I co-teaching like this also appealing and supportive. I have not co-taught another TWP class but this fall after my second season of CPLP I began co-teaching a cluster focused course with two marketing professors. Plymouth Marketing & Design Agency is hands-on course for students looking to pursue marketing and graphic design. The focus of this course is collaboration and good communication, between students, professors, and clients. The class was a successful experimental course this past year and is now a standard course that will co-taught by three professors and so far, include students from Business, Graphic Design, Interdisciplinary, Marketing and Travel & Tourism majors.
I am grateful for what I have learned through CPLP and the experiences and opportunities that have come from this programming.