Interdisciplinarity & Collaboration
Chen Wu
Summer 2019
This past summer was exceptional because of my experience in the CPLC. I walked into the CPLC with some exercises in the open-lab and cluster-based teaching in my economics classes. The meetings, presentations, discussions and workshops at CPLC were eye-opening. I left the last meeting of CPLC with feel that I learned a great amount of tools, framework, and insight into the cluster pedagogy.
My key takeaway from the CPLC activities is that I should actively seek collaboration opportunities with colleagues across the campus and there is Co-Lab in the Lamson Library which provides support and assistance to the collaborative efforts.
In the upcoming academic years, my teaching and research in economics, and my administrative services as the director of graduate programs, could lead to opportunities in collaborations: it could be some way in co-teaching a interdisciplinary class with colleagues in another academic unit; it could be some student event that involves students from different majors; it could be a cluster project in which students carrying various background work as a team to serve the needs of an external partner, etc.