Empathetic Instruction

Kelsey Donnelly

Summer 2019

I am inspired by your words, it gives me a desire to learn
The emotion and empathy and honesty burns
It’s relieving to know I share the same fears
Your palpable appreciation moves me to tears

Open to you, to share and explore
I leave each workshop starving for more
Un-grading? I’ll try it, I am new to this game
But my tool box is growing, and I am so glad I came

It is not us teaching them, our learning’s in-sync
Human connection will be the most critical link
Ensure that the students feel valued and heard
Be one they can lean on when life gets absurd

The students need scaffolding, but I need it too
I have so much to learn from experts like you
A reflective practice will help keep me in check
To bounce off ideas when I’m in over my neck

I feel overwhelmed with information fatigue
It honestly makes me feel like I am out of my league
So much has been shared that would help develop my skill
But my inbox and children are also fueling my guilt

Time is a barrier we all must attempt to traverse
When it comes to enemies, I may be my own worst
I want to engage, share my thoughts and grow
But balancing expectations stifles my creative flow

Luckily, it is not my job to be an expert on tech
Inspiring curiosity has a better effect
So if a student wants to talk about jellybeans, I am all ears
Because sometimes that topic could be fueling their fears

One pagers and micro-writing I can’t wait to try
As well as some group bonding over the Habits of Mind
Classes start soon, about this I am conflicted
I guess that’s just another one of those problem’s that’s wicked

zine collage page of the chapter


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Cluster Learning at Plymouth State: A Community-Based Approach to Pedagogy Copyright © 2019 by Kelsey Donnelly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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