Building Community

Chris Lee

Summer 2019

As I look back on the on the workshops that I participated in with the CPLC, I was most moved by the passion that all of the educators in the room had for their discipline and the students that they work with. One of the takeaways that I always try to leave any workshop or professional development is the sense that I have more resources than I entered with. This was totally the case with the CPLC. Making connections across the invisible boundaries that are formed between faculty and staff is priceless. It is that crossing that will enhance the way that I view my Tackling a Wicked Problem courses. I would like to help the students make meaningful connections with other faculty that may help influence their projects.

If I were able to design how I would engage in the CPLC in the future, it would be with the TWP group alone. I left at the end of the day on August 15th wanting more individual time to learn how others structure their courses, however I had run out of time before my other responsibilities at PSU had taken over. We talked about reflective practice groups, as I have participated in the past. I like those, but I would plan for something even less formal.

I am looking forward to working with the CPLC in the future, as I am sure that it will influence my work with the Tackling a Wicked Problem courses and within my role in the TRIO program.


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