Project-Based Learning

Aparna Waghe

Summer 2019

Over the past three months, CPLC has provided a great professional development opportunity to learn about various pedagogies, and more importantly it has provided a forum to engage in continuing conversations with colleagues across multiple disciplines. I have truly enjoyed listening and sharing thoughts about ways to engage and support our students in their learning. This has provided me opportunity to reflect on my teaching, how students are learning and how best I can create learning opportunities for them. I have also learned about new teaching tools which I could adapt into my courses. I have been implementing project-based learning in my courses and have been researching ideas to engage students in inquiry based learning. In this regard, I found the PBL workshop materials made available to us highly valuable. As I read through these materials, I recognized ways I could expand my teaching methods to meet the criteria for gold standard PBL. I plan to continue with PBL in my courses this semester and look forward to creating enhanced experience for students.


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Cluster Learning at Plymouth State: A Community-Based Approach to Pedagogy Copyright © 2019 by Aparna Waghe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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