Main Body

In this course, students will be assessed according to the criteria in the following rubrics:

  • Writing Rubric
  • Discussion Forum Rubric
  • Virtual Class Meeting Rubric
  • Graduate Capstone Presentation Rubric

Students are encouraged to review the rubrics carefully and to contact the instructor with any questions.


Writing Rubric

The HLTC 850 writing assignments are designed for students to demonstrate the synthesis and application of what they have learned throughout the program, as indicated by the course outcomes. The writing rubric will be used for all project reports and the narrative assignment at the end of the term.

Your writing assignment submissions will show how you have applied the concepts and skills covered in this course as indicated below:

Performance Indicators 5










Content/Elements Writing meets all assignment content/element requirements Writing meets most assignment content/element requirements Writing meets some assignment content/element requirements Writing includes few assignment content/element requirements Writing does not meet assignment content/element requirements
Sources Writer has integrated and synthesized significant primary source material Writer has used sufficient, appropriate sources to support thesis, theme or topic Writer has used limited, though appropriate, resources Writer has used limited resources, &/or has relied on non-refereed sources Writer has not included appropriate sources
Details Rich supporting details Details are adequate & relevant Details lack elaboration; important details omitted Few relevant details Virtually no relevant details
Organization Writer expresses relationships among ideas; careful & subtle organization Logical progression of ideas Organizational strategy includes transitions Unclear organizational strategy Lacks organization
Structure Sentence variety & patterns are used to enhance style & effect. Well developed paragraphs and effective transitions Complete sentences; some sentence variety. Most paragraphs are well-developed and use effective transitions Complete sentences. Some paragraphs may be well-developed and use effective transitions Poor sentence structure. Paragraphs lack development and/or fail to employ transitions effectively Many fragments, fused sentences &/or run-ons.

Paragraphs are undeveloped and need transitions

Grammar, Usage, Mechanics Mastery of grammar, usage & mechanics

Free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling

Some errors in grammar, usage & mechanics but they do not distract significantly from the overall quality of the piece Errors in grammar, usage & mechanics are disproportionate to length & complexity of piece Errors in grammar, usage & mechanics are distracting Errors in grammar, usage & mechanics interfere with communication
Required Style, Format, Reference List (APA,) Mastery of all applicable style requirements throughout the work. Few errors in the application of required writing style, format, citations &/or reference list Several errors in citations, formatting & writing, &/or errors appear to be careless Errors in citations, formatting & writing are distracting Errors in citations, formatting & writing interfere with communication, or work contains plagiarized content


Discussion Forum Rubric

HLTC 850 utilizes two forms of course participation: online asynchronous discussion forums and Virtual synchronous class meetings via Zoom.  Both forms of course participation are designed for students to demonstrate their thinking and understanding as it relates to the course outcomes and are important factors to building learning communities. Discussion forums are written conversations students have with their peers and faculty.

Your Discussion Forum posts will show how you have applied the concepts and skills covered as indicated below:

Performance Indicators 4









Not Evident

Comprehension Communicates ideas eloquently and thoroughly; specific examples from the field are provided to support ideas and opinions; provides additional resources or applications of the discussion topic Communicates ideas, opinions, and conclusions clearly and completely; specific examples are provided to support his/her ideas and opinions. Communicates ideas well but fails to provide evidence to support ideas, opinions and conclusions Unable to communicate ideas well; does not provide evidence to support ideas, opinions and conclusions. No discussion(s) posted by due date(s), or communication is off-topic, incorrect, or irrelevant to the discussion
Timeliness and Quantity of Discussion Responses 3 or more postings well distributed throughout the week. One must be an initial post 2 postings distributed throughout the week. One must be an initial post 2 postings; postings not distributed throughout the week. One must be an initial post Initial posting only. No discussion(s) posted by due date(s), or no initial post.
Engagement Actively engages with peers throughout the discussion week; brings additional information to the discussion through personal experience and outside resources Engages with peer discussions thoughtfully and often; comments include personal reactions or experiences Provides comments on other’s ideas, but not specific feedback; provides limited personal reactions or experiences Does not provide comments on other’s ideas, or comments are not appropriate; does not include personal reactions or experiences. No discussion(s) posted by due date(s)
Critical Thinking Contribution to the discussion demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concept being presented. Contribution to the discussion demonstrates an understanding of the concept being presented. Contribution to the discussion demonstrates a developing understanding, but further explanation and exploration is needed. Contribution to the discussion demonstrates little understanding, and much explanation and exploration is needed. No discussion(s) posted by due date(s)
Mechanics Responses have a logical/sequential organization; follows grammar and spelling rules; proper APA citations and references are used (when indicated) Responses have a logical/sequential organization; minor, non-distracting errors in grammar and spelling; proper APA citations and references are used with minor errors (when indicated) Responses lack organization; errors in grammar and mechanics are distracting; errors in APA citations and references are distracting (when indicated). Responses are disorganized; errors in grammar and mechanics interfere with communication; errors in APA citations and references interfere with communication, or contains plagiarized content (when indicated) No discussion(s) posted by due date(s)

Virtual Class Meeting Rubric

HLTC 850 utilizes two forms of course participation: virtual synchronous class meetings via Zoom and online asynchronous discussion forums.  Both forms of course participation are designed for students to demonstrate their thinking and understanding as it relates to the course outcomes and are important factors to building learning communities. The Zoom class meetings are “real-time” conversations students have with their peers and faculty.

Your class meeting posts will show how you have applied the concepts and skills covered  as indicated below:

Performance Indicators 4








Comprehension Communicates ideas eloquently and thoroughly; specific examples from the field are provided to support ideas and opinions; provides additional resources or applications of the discussion topic Communicates ideas, opinions, and conclusions clearly and completely; specific examples are provided to support his/her ideas and opinions. Communicates ideas well but fails to provide evidence to support ideas, opinions and conclusions Unable to communicate ideas well; does not provide evidence to support ideas, opinions and conclusions.
Engagement Actively engages with peers; brings additional information to the discussion through personal experience and outside resources Engages with peer discussions thoughtfully and often; comments include personal reactions or experiences Provides comments on other’s ideas, but not specific feedback; provides limited personal reactions or experiences Does not engage with peers, or comments are not appropriate; does not include personal reactions or experiences.
Critical Thinking Contribution to the discussion demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concept being presented. Contribution to the discussion demonstrates an understanding of the concept being presented. Contribution to the discussion demonstrates a developing understanding, but further explanation and exploration is needed. Contribution to the discussion demonstrates little understanding, and much explanation and exploration is needed.


Graduate Capstone Presentation Rubric

All Master of Science students, with the exception of those in the M.S. Instruction and Leadership program, are required to participate in capstone course presentations held the week prior to the end of the term.

The dissemination of your project is the process of sharing the findings with communities of interest and wider audiences.

Graduate Capstone Presentation Rubric
Performance Indicators Excellent
(3 points)
(2 points)
(1 point)
Organization The sequence of information is logical, which the audience can follow; Uses an engaging beginning and/or thoughtful ending; Moves smoothly from one idea to the next all of the time. The sequence of information is logical, which the audience can follow; Uses an appropriate beginning or ending; Moves smoothly from one idea to the next some of the time. The sequence of information is difficult to follow; Lacks beginning, middle, and end; Does not move smoothly from one point to another.
Style Level of presentation is appropriate for the audience; Font can be seen; Main points stand out; No unimportant information is covered. Level of presentation is generally appropriate; Font size is appropriate; Most of the information is appropriate. Level of presentation is too elementary or sophisticated; Font is too small/not readable; Too much or not enough information included; Unimportant information highlighted; Too much detail included on the slide.
Delivery Body language is relaxed; Consistent eye contact; Voice is clear, natural with enthusiasm. Body shows some nervous tension; Occasional eye contact; Voice with some inflection. Body language shows obvious nervous tension; No effort to make eye contact; Monotone voice.
Timeliness Presentation was within the allotted time; Slides were timed smoothly with the topics. Presentation was within the allotted time. Presentation was under the allotted time.
Handling Questions (Discussion Session) Answers questions clearly and succinctly. Answers questions. Does not answer questions.
Overall Presentation Demonstrates a very strong knowledge of the research project; Presentation is consistently clear and logical. Demonstrates a good working knowledge of the research project; Presentation is clear for the most part, but not consistently. Demonstrates poor knowledge of the research project; Presentation is not too clear or consistent overall.


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