
Staff User Guide

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Anthology for Your Program

Anthology provides students an opportunity to see their performance in outcomes and competencies within the Anthology web-tool. Signature assignments are stored in an electronic portfolio for the student in Anthology. Students, faculty, and staff access Anthology Portfolio within courses in Canvas via assignments and activities setup by instructional designers. Students can also create their own portfolios for personal or professional project presentations. Results of assessments are available to students in their Anthology Dashboard and Performance tab. Results are also available to staff in the Reporting menu.

Interested in adding Anthology to your program?

  1. Consult with a current CPS director of a graduate program for an overview of their setup for ideas.
  2. Place an IT Help Request to an instructional designer to create your Anthology account and schedule a meeting about initiating this for your program(s).
    1. Also available: Anthology support staff provide thorough orientations on any of the next topics (Anthology Support).
  3. Create the Outcome Set
  4. Create the Table of Contents
  5. Create the Assessment Instruments (Rubrics)
  6. Create the Assignments & Post in Courses

New Faculty Access

When a new faculty is hired:

  1. An IT Help Request to an instructional designer must be placed by the Program Director or Dean to give faculty access to assess ePortfolio assignments.
    1. Provide the first and last name and the program for which the instructor will be mostly assessing assignments for.
    2. Include the UNH email address for the new faculty. An account cannot be created without one.
  2. The instructor should be notified once they have access and guided to the Faculty Guide in this book for an orientation.

Creating a New Assignment

  1. In Anthology, go to Menu > Curriculum > Table of Contents
  2. Locate and click on your program’s Table of Contents
  3. Select Edit and then:
    1. Add a new sub-section page for the assignment
    2. Link the rubric to the assignment
  4. Post the assignment in your course(s):
    1. Place an IT Help Request to have an instructional designer setup the assignments in the courses. Provide them with:
      1. Assignment ID’s (located at the top of each assignment in the Table of Contents in Anthology)
      2. Assignment titles
      3. Course # and modules where these will go
    2. Note: If your course will be attended by students from multiple programs, a separate set of assignments will be needed in the other program Table of Contents that matches the original set. Provide the same information to the ID for each set of assignments in other programs.


Assignments and Activities

Assignments can be edited in Anthology by the program director if a correction is necessary. Changes do not affect Canvas, unless the assignment is replaced by a new one with a new assignment ID (at the top of the assignment page). Changes do affect the results.

An assignment should be replaced by a new one if the assignment instructions need to be revised, resulting in the students understanding the assignment differently. This will provide clear reporting differentiation scores between the versions of assignments and how this change affected student scores. Please keep a note of the date the assignment instructions were changed, for reference when looking at historical results and looking at how this affected students.

How to edit an assignment:

  1. In Anthology, go to Menu
  2. Curriculum
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Locate and click on your program’s Table of Contents
  5. Edit
  6. Assignments are sub-sections in the Table of Contents of each program. Each sub-section is a page with a “frame” that is a text block where the assignment instructions are posted. How to edit the frame.


Rubrics may be edited by a program director for corrections in the descriptions. However, a new rubric is required if changing a competency in a rubric. Changes do not affect Canvas if setup correctly with the assignments. Changes in rubrics do affect the results. These changes are important to note down and keep in mind when reviewing results to check how this may have affected the students. Note the date and what the change was made.

How to edit a rubric (known as “Assessment Instrument” in Anthology).

Version History

To see edits done to your program’s Table of Contents and its assignments and rubrics:

  1. In Anthology, go to Menu
  2. Curriculum
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Locate and click on your program’s Table of Contents
  5. View
  6. History tab

Expired Accounts

Student and faculty expiration dates can be viewed by staff in Anthology’s Users & Groups section:

  1. In Anthology, go to Menu
  2. Users & Groups
  3. Users
  4. Checkmark: “Include Expired User”
  5. Button: Find Users
  6. The “Expiry” column has student expiration dates.
  7. To export, click the “Export” button on the top right.
  8. Export to CSV

Students with expired accounts should re-activate by purchasing a subscription code at the bookstore. See the chapter Student User Guide – Expired Accounts, for more information. Program Directors may remind students to renew their subscription by sending the email template “Chalk & Wire Renewal Reminder” in Salesforce, located in the “Graduate Program Directors” folder.

Faculty and staff with expired accounts should place an IT Help Request to extend access.



Student Results (Quick View)

The “Student Results” report in Anthology is the quickest way to see student submissions in the current term and instructor score submissions.

  1. Menu -> Reporting -> Student Results
  2. Results Search -> Toggle open
    1. Enter term dates
    2. Optional: Choose specific filters in this area to see results only for an assignment (Assessment Instrument), instructor (Assessor), student, or competency (Outcome).
  3. Click the blue button Search.

It is recommended for CPS Online graduate full-time faculty to check this report in the middle and end of the term to review instructors, if they are able to submit scores and that their scores are appropriate (not simply assigning the same consistent score for all students).

More information on viewing these student results.

Reports Analysis (Performance and Growth)

Staff with assessor/administrator access to Anthology can view results by program and compare time periods. On screen charts and downloadable spreadsheets are available although the on screen charts have been found to be most useful for CPS Online. Below are instructions to access these. The “Site Library” has reports saved for CPS Online staff to generate with already set filters and dates by program.

  1. Menu -> Reporting -> Results Analysis
  2. Report Library (drop down) -> Choose your program’s report

Types of Reports Saved:

    • [Program] Outcome Set Summary: Average score for the program on the entire set of competencies.
    • [Program] Student Growth Summary: The overall average score of each student in the program for the entire set of competencies (the program’s outcome set).
    • [Program] Student Growth Details: The average score of each student in the program by competency.

All reports can display one or many average scores by time periods side by side, specified in the next step.

   3. Update time periods: Choose “Advanced Filters”

 a. Enter multiple dates to see students growth in each of these periods side by side. After entering a start and end date for a perioda, click Apply. Click the plus sign to add another set of dates.

Best time periods to use:

      • By year  – Most useful to see the entire student’s growth in the program.
      • By semester or term – Most useful to see if the student is progressing or not each semester or term.

More information on using advanced filters.

   4. Click the green button Generate Report.


More information on how to use the Reports Analytics tool.

Program In-Depth Analysis

Once a year an in-depth analysis of a program’s competencies are posted in Tableau for exploration by graduate full-time faculty. Visit to see what is available. If you are a current full-time faculty for a graduate program utilizing Anthology, dashboards will automatically display for your program(s). If experiencing any issues, contact the Assessment Coordinator in CPS Online’s Academic Affairs department.

2023-24 status update: Due to the transition of GSC to CPS Online, updates to charts are on hold. Contact the Assessment Coordinator for more details.



Before classes begin, students receive an email notification if they are new or current and belong to a program with a portfolio. The notification reminds them to activate their account if new or renew their account if expired. The notification is sent via Salesforce and may be updated by submitting a Marketing ticket.


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