Main Body

All PSU syllabi should minimally contain the following components:

  • Course number and title, # of credits, semester and year
  • Instructor name, contact information, office hours
  • Course Description: the formally accepted course description as printed in the catalog
  • Pre-requisites and/or co-requisites

Additional descriptors

  • General Education (if applicable): the catalog description of applicable General Education
  • Student Learning Outcomes: same for all sections of a course
  • Required readings and materials
  • Course Outline
  • Assignments and Activities (including the date of the final exam or final activity)
  • OSHA Standards/Safety regulations (if applicable)
  • Attendance Policy: A short statement. Include the link to class attendance from course catalog
  • Grading criteria/standards: A short statement. Include the link to the Fair Grading Policy from course catalog
  • Academic honesty: A short statement. Include the link to the Academic Integrity Policy from course catalog
  • ADA Statement: Plymouth State University is committed to providing students with documented disabilities equal access to all university programs and facilities. If you think you have a disability requiring accommodations, you should contact Campus Accessibility Services (CAS), located in Speare 210 (535-3300) to determine whether you are eligible for such accommodations. Academic accommodations will only be considered for students who have registered with CAS. If you have a Letter of Accommodation for this course from CAS, please
    provide the instructor with that information privately so that you and the instructor can review those accommodations.
  • Other: For instance, many like to add statements about what to do if there is inclement
    weather/closings, or personal policies about classroom etiquette, etc.


Plymouth State University Curriculum Guide Copyright © by Erika Rydberg-Hall. All Rights Reserved.

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