How to use an e-book for this course

Using an e-book for learning is similar to studying from a traditional paper book. If you are using an e-book reader with the EPUB or PDF file, you can select any text in this e-book and add annotation to capture your immediate impressions of the readings and media.

You can keep this e-book for future reference in your scholarly or professional work.

You will frequently see text in this e-book in a blue color. These are hyperlinks just like you would see in a Web page in typical Web browser. If your e-book device is connected to the Internet, you will be taken to the resource by tapping on the hyperlink.


Some of the key resources in this e-book include a conveniently pre-formatted APA citation located in a shaded box like the example below. Please use these citations in your writing in discussion forums and in your final papers.

boyd, d. m. and Ellison, N. B. (2007), Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13: 210–230. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00393.x

When citing your sources in coursework, do not cite this e-book or its author. Write your citations referring to the original articles or media from which your positions are based.

What is the theme of this e-book?

The content that has been curated for this e-book has been selected based on the following criteria:

  • Which topics pertain to our actual experience of mediated communication as we are engaged with it in the real world?
  • Which authors and organizations present authoritative voices related to the topics?
  • Which content offers well-supported, applicable, and varying viewpoints to a given topic?

The intent of this e-book is not to prescribe “the truth” about mediated communication according to the instructor’s personal point of view. Rather, it is to help you to synthesize your own position on each topic which you will then apply appropriately to a final paper or presentation of your own choosing.


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Synthetic Media and the Construction of Reality Copyright © 2021 by University of New Hampshire College of Professional Studies (USNH) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.