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Worth 150 points total– Fall 2023

Statement on the Portfolio: A completed portfolio is required in Senior Seminar. This is a rubric which will impact your portfolio grade. Note that the portfolio is also tied to Labs 3 and 4 in this course.

The Portfolio shall identify each CMS program learning outcomes and provide evidence that you met each outcome. Here are the program learning outcomes:

We want our graduates to be rhetorically sophisticated and media fluent by demonstrating:

  1. The ability to read, write, listen, and present in various contexts and for various audiences.
  2. The ability to understand emerging communication and media technologies, and the complex causes and opportunities of that evolution.
  3. The ability to analyze and explain the moral, ethical and cross-cultural dimensions of messages.
  4. The ability to apply communication and media theories to critically analyze real-world issues and employ practical, innovative solutions.

A portfolio is a collection of your activities and achievements over a period of time such as the four years of college specific to your experience as a Communication and Media Studies Major. The Communication and Media Studies portfolio displays your best work and allows you to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and dispositions that you have achieved during your time at Plymouth State University. You may include work from courses in other majors and from experiences in student activities.

In particular, as a student in the Communication and Media Studies department at Plymouth State University, you will use the portfolio to demonstrate that you have achieved each of the four learning objectives listed below. Our courses provide opportunities for you to create artifacts that demonstrate your mastery of these learning objectives. You will collect these artifacts into a portfolio that will also include your self-reflection explaining what each artifact demonstrates. You began your portfolio in CM2000 (Studies in Communication and Media) and you are now finalizing and evaluating it in CM4905 (Senior Seminar). Your portfolio should contain at least one artifact (assignment, paper, exam, project, etc.) per learning objective along with a reflection statement in which you explain the ways in which this particular artifact demonstrates that you have met this particular learning objective. That is, your portfolio will contain at least four artifacts (one for each learning objective) and four reflection statements.

Here is the breakdown you need for responding to each learning outcome:

You will need three paragraphs:

Each Learning Outcome will have three well-developed paragraphs:

Paragraph 1 – State, in formal language,  what the learning outcome means to you. So, you would include the actual language of the learning outcome and then restate it in your own words.

Paragraph 2 – Identify the artifact chosen, explain it, what course, etc. This means you state that you chose a particular artifact from your work products that represent you met the specific learning outcome. It can be from a CMS course or another class in your learning journey here at Plymouth State. Say what it is, identify the course you made it for, and describe what it is in detail. If it is a group project, identify specifically what you did in the project.

Paragraph 3 – Explain how the artifact demonstrates meeting the program learning outcome as you understand it. So, you will explicitly connect it back to paragraph 1.

Depending upon what the artifact is, you will link it or insert it into your portfolio.


Portfolio DUE Dates for Fall 2023

  1. Link is DUE September 11, 2023

During class on Monday September 11, 2023, you will send your plymouthcreate link to me before leaving class. If you opt to change your portfolio platform, you need to send me that new link immediately or the points you received for submitting the link will be eliminated. This is worth 10 points.

  1. Showcase I DUE November 13, 2023 (In preparation for Showcase I on Nov. 17, 2023)

Readiness, being present, and having a generally completed portfolio is required, this means all Learning Outcome Paragraphs are written and artifacts are included. If you are not ready by November 17th, you forfeit the points for this part. No points will be given at a later date. So, plan ahead. Getting sick around this time will not justify getting points at a later date. This is worth 70 points.

  1. Showcase II DUE December 8, 2023

This is the big finale! If you do not turn in your portfolio or if it is not ready or complete, you forfeit all points in this category. This is worth 70 points.

This same rubric will be used for each Showcase grade. You will also earn Lab points just for showing up to the labs on their respective dates. This rubric will only be used for Showcase I and Showcase II.

Criteria Quality:

















Total possible

Points – 70

Selection of Artifacts


Must include 4 artifacts

There are less than 4 artifacts included


Each Learning Outcome has at least one artifact. Each Learning Outcome has at least one artifact. Each Learning Outcome has at least one artifact.   /10
Descriptive Texts


Each Learning Outcome has three paragraphs connected to it.



There are no paragraphs with the artifacts/learning outcomes.









There is only one paragraph with each artifact.


Regardless of paragraph content, directions were not followed.


There are only 2 paragraphs with each artifact.


Regardless of paragraph content, directions were not followed.


All artifacts are accompanied by three paragraphs.







Content of Paragraphs


It is clear there was no proofing of the more than one paragraph. More than one paragraph is unclear or there are some typos or missing or awkward  wording. Most of the content is clear and concise. But there is some ambiguity in meaning or some typos or missing language. All paragraph content clearly explains the learning outcome, artifact, and applications of how the artifact demonstrates the learning outcome.   /20
Navigation & Layout


Layout and

Organization is confusing


Navigation links do not make sense


Navigation links do not work


Navigation links do not connect to accurate sites.


Some of the navigation links are confusing


some of the links do not make sense


some of the links do not work


some links do not connect to accurate sites.


Most of the navigation links generally work and make sense but it is not always clear how to locate an artifact.








All of the navigation links are intuitive and work. Various parts of portfolio are labeled correctly, clearly organized, and allow reader to easily navigate around entire portfolio.

All links work and correctly connect to intended artifacts.

Writing – Aesthetics In general, it is difficult to read due to inappropriate fonts, type size and style, headings and subheadings.


Lack of paragraphing.


Horizontal and vertical white space is not aligned.


Appears disorganized and cluttered.


Color is distracting.



Consistent errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling. Requires substantial copyediting and revision.


Sometimes difficult to read due to inappropriate fonts, type size and style, headings and subheadings.


Lack of paragraphing.


Horizontal and vertical white space is not aligned.


Appears disorganized and cluttered.


Color is distracting.



There are some errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling. Requires some copyediting and revision.


Generally easy to read. Font size, style vary and appropriately used. Headings and subheadings appropriate.


Easy to scan.


White space is aligned and appropriate.

Color enhances readability.

Color is consistent.






There are few errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling. Requires minor copyediting and revision.


Easy to read. All font sizes, types, styles are appropriate.


Use of headings and subheadings promote easy scanning.


Use of font styles improves readability.


Vertical and horizontal white space are aligned and appropriate.


Color enhances readability and aesthetic experience of reader.


There are no errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Does not required editing or revision.



Multimedia Elements The graphic elements or multimedia selections do not contribute to knowledge development and expertise.


Inappropriate use of multimedia distracts from content.


Some of the graphic elements contribute to knowledge development and expertise.


A few of the audio/video artifacts are edited but inconsistent in clarity.


Most of the graphic elements contribute to knowledge development and expertise.


Most of the audio/video artifacts are edited but a few lack clarity.


All of the graphic elements contribute to knowledge development and expertise.


If used, all of the audio video artifacts are edited & demonstrate clarity/expertise in producing artifacts.




Points: ____________ (out of /70)


Here are some links to student portfolios from previous semesters (with their permission) as examples:

Sydney Bartlett

Jaylin Cloutier

Cassidy Keyser

Matthew Murphy

Tom Perkins


CMS Seniors Copyright © by Annette Holba. All Rights Reserved.

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