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This OER covers a variety of topics acknowledging applications for transitioning into the world of work post-college. It also focuses on ethical reasoning and decision making applied to real world situations and conditions. Finally, this course provides seniors with leadership and mentoring opportunities with other CMS majors.

The Senior Seminar Course Description:

Provides students with the opportunity to reflect upon their major coursework in order to connect theory and application in preparation for their entry into the workforce. Focuses on applying ethical frameworks, including deontology and utilitarianism, to a variety of case studies related to interpersonal, group and organizational communication and to personal and professional consumption and production of media.

This course also provides students with skill development around job searching, resume design, professional face work in job interviewing, and job interviewing skills. This course provides opportunities for students to collaborate with CM2000 students around the facilitation of ethical thinking and reasoning and students have the opportunity to interview business owners and leaders related to hiring practices and successful interviewing practices.

Assignments/Projects include:

1. Developing a Personal Code of Ethics

2. Engaging a three-part Career Launch Project (breaks down steps of the job search process)

3. Engaging a Service Project where students collaborate with CM2000 students in a leadership capacity

4. Completion of the Communication and Media Studies Portfolio


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