Physical Play and Big Body Play

Ch. 22 The Importance of Recess

Children on swings
By DoDEA, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

READ FIRST- The article below provides data about the importance of recess for children.

CHOOSE TWO- Select at least two of the articles below to learn about the status of recess in the United States.

In this Washington Post article, Strauss highlights schools trying out different approaches to infuse more recess time into the day for elementary school children.

In this piece from Time magazine, Reilly shares how changes to state law influence the amount of recess time in schools as well as some of the benefits of recess to young children’s learning and development.

In this segment from National Public Radio, Boyd describes recommendations from the Society of Health and Physical Educators America and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that highlight key elements of high quality recess opportunities for children.

In this Edutopia article, Shammas provides information about how different states approach recess time in elementary schools.

In this Edutopia article, Hanscom addresses why children need more time for recess and the potential benefits of having an hour of recess a day.

In this video, learn more about the benefits to recess for children’s learning and development.

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Play and Learning in Early Childhood Education Copyright © by Elisabeth Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.