This book is a collection of concepts and theories central to ethical decision-making.  Comprehensive study in the field of ethics requires us to look at important trends in human thinking and behavior so that we can best understand the issues, context and other contributing factors that influence organizational and individual patterns of decision-making.  In order to do this, I have collected chapters that introduce, reinforce, and build on these educational concepts so the class on-going discussions about case studies or dilemmas are easier to understand and evaluate.

This series begins with an introduction to critical thinking by addressing base trends in human thinking patterns and then proceeds to identify trends of poor thinking that often lead to negative decision-making.  After analyzing these trends of thought, I offer exploration of plausible positive solutions that leaders should consider.

The second component of this series proceeds to the field of ethical study through the exploration of base definitions, background, and tensions that are apparent for individuals and organizations.  This component includes a set of indicators to increase awareness of factors that often influence human behavior in the midst of ethical thinking while concentrating on the possible dilemmas that can emerge from such behaviors.

The third section unpacks the crucial philosophical dilemma of objectivity and subjectivity.  We will spend time analyzing how this complexity plays a part in determining ethical meaning.  This section includes highlights of standard ethical theories in the field and the indicators of a life lived ethically.

In the fourth section, practical application of ethical theory and strategies will emerge.  Special focus is given to seven prominent theories employed by individuals, as well as, societies and organizations.  Within this framework, evaluation of the pros and cons of such approaches become central and can be directly applied to current practices.  The collection ends with a practical approach to ethical study that analyzes trends, indicators, and contributing factors that leaders suggest are important to reflect upon, regardless of industry or position.

The success of an ethics class is determined by the skillful interplay between practical application and thought-provoking theory.  Through the study of human thinking patterns trends, evaluating critical theory improvement, and assessing where we are in a reflective measure, we can determine the foundation of better thinking and enrich the quality of ethical understanding.  Once this basis is established, we can contemplate the evaluation of ethical theory and the various perspectives therein.

As we entertain various theories, the last portion of the course will emphasize  the value of practical outcomes with suggestions for living a value-filled life based in good quality leadership strategies and approaches.  This written compilation will encompass the three layers of the course and directly inform students of various key concepts of ethical study while also allowing for important self-reflection.

Cover photo credit: “Millenium Park” by Ricardo Villar via Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)


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Introduction Copyright © 2018 by Christopher Brooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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